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By: Emily Seitz, Registered Dietician Nutritionist
Happy New Year! Each January, millions of Americans make resolutions pertaining to their health. Do resolutions such as eating better, exercising more, or losing weight sound familiar? If it does, you are not alone. Polls have found that 45% of Americans make New Years resolutions and only 8% actually keep them.
We all know the real trick to keeping to our resolutions is getting these new, healthy habits to last. Making a change is no easy task, especially in an era where we sit more, live in a high stress environment, and face food temptations everywhere. When we try to change too many things at once, we feel as though we have failed ourselves by overindulging at a dinner party or missing our evening aerobics class.
Here are some helpful tips to make those resolutions (new year or anytime of year) stick for the long haul.
1. Be realistic and specific. Focus on one or two behavior changes
at a time until you become comfortable. Do not start with the most difficult change to make. Get a couple small successes under your belt before you attempt to take on bigger challenges. And do not forget to attach a specific target to your goal. For example, lets say you want to drink more water. A realistic goal for this would be – I will drink an 8oz glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 4 weeks.
2. Lose the guilt. When you overeat or miss a morning workout, simply accept it. No one is perfect. Even the healthiest/fittest person fall short at times. The most important thing is to get back on track with your goals at your next meal or workout, not next Monday or next year.
3. Build a support system. Name at least one person who you can rely on to encourage you. Tell that person what you’re trying to accomplish and let them know ow they can support you.
4. Seek help from a qualified health professional. Did you know that the Chelsea Wellness Center offers nutrition counseling? You can meet with one of our registered dieticians to discuss your personal needs. Together we can develop an individualized and and realistic nutrition plan of of action. Ask the front desk for more details.
Happy and Healthy 2015
Emily Seitz, RDN
Registered Dietician Nutritionist
Chelsea Wellness Center
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Monday - Thursday 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday 5:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Chelsea Wellness Center - 14800 East Old U.S. 12 - Chelsea, Michigan - 48118 - (734) 214-0220
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